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cnXiv:2024080101 [PDF in Chinese / 中文]

Polignac's conjecture: Derivation of a Mathematical Formula cnXiv    by Jian Hu

波利尼亚克猜想:数学表达式的一个推导 cnxiv  作者:胡坚  

Abstract: With using the segmented Eratosthenes' sieve approach, a definite mathematical formula describing Polignac's conjecture, p_(k+1)=p_k+2h, is deduced from a newly uncovered unusual distribution of prime numbers in the p_k~l_k plot (l_k is the segment length and p_k the prime number), where the parameter h is a positive integer unique to prime numbers. Validity of the said formula is proved by mathematical induction.

Keywords: number theory, Polignac's conjecture, formula, sieve of Eratosthenes.

cnXiv2022070401 [DOC] 

王忆锋 Yifeng Wang (Email: wangyifeng63@qq.com)




Inductive Derivation of Schrödinger’s Wave Equation and its defects

Abstract: Starting from the construction of Maxwell's equations, the wave equation expressed in the form of second-order partial differential is derived, and then an example is constructed by introducing an original function expressed in the form of virtual exponential function. The second-order partial differential function is decomposed into the form of the combination of first-order partial differential and original function, so as to induce the Schrödinger’s wave equation. The defects of Schrödinger’s wave equation are analyzed.

Keywords: Maxwell's Equations, Wave Equation , Schrödinger’s Wave Equation, Quantum Mechanics

cnXiv2022010101 [DOC] 

王忆锋 Yifeng Wang




Dimensional Relation “EnergyMass×Speed×Speed” is the “Root” of Physical Theory System cnxiv/

Abstract: On the premise that the mass is independent of other physical quantities, the dimensional relation   “energymass×speed×speed” can be proved, and the formula E=Mc2 can be derived that its physical meaning is the energy of a mass body with mass M moving at light speed c. The formula E=Mc2 is generally applicable, and its special case is the case of only one mass body in which the mass body maintains a uniform straight line motion at light speed, its mass is the total universal mass, which is the most fundamental physical phenomenon. This phenomenon is described in mathematical language: the square root of the ratio of the total universal energy to the total universal mass equals light speed, this conclusion is the principle of light speed proposed by the author. Based on the dimensional relation “energymass×speed×speed”, momentum can be derived, and Newton’s second law of motion can be obtained by deriving momentum from time. Newton’s first law of motion can be derived from Newton’s second law of motion. The principle of light speed can be derived from Newton’s second law of motion or Newton’s first law of motion. Based on the principle of light speed and Newton’s second law of motion, it can be proved that “matter is in motion”. On the premise that the conservation of mass and the light speed is the maximum of all physical speeds, the conservation of total universal energy and total universal momentum can be obtained, which meets the requirements of Noether’s theorem. Based on the dimension of force defined by Newton’s second law, the fundamental gravitational intrinsic constant can be proposed. The general form of gravitational law is derived, and its special case is the law of universal gravitation. Based on the law of universal gravitation, Coulomb's law can be derived, and then Maxwell's equations can be established. Planck’s constant can be derived based on Coulomb's law. On the basis of momentum and Planck’s constant, the uncertainty principle can be derived. On the basis of gravitational analysis, Newton’s third law of motion can be modified. The contradictions and problems in the existing physical theory system are pointed out, and the corresponding supplements and improvements are made.

Keywords: Mass Body, Laws of Motion, Principle of Light Speed, Law of Gravity, Law of Universal Gravitation, Fundamental Gravitational Intrinsic Constant, Coulomb's Law, Planck’s Constant, Uncertainty Principle, Maxwell’s Equations

xc20200728.cnxiv   PDF   

Xia Chengcnxiv

A ratio and formula for transmission dynamics of COVID-19

Abstract: A basic reproductive number Ro is an important in dynamics of a newly emerged and rapidly growing infectious disease outbreak, such as COVID-19. However, the current researches indicated that Ro for COVID-19 is quite affected by many other factors or parameters. To find the alternative index for the reality of spread of the COVID-19, a study based on the population of 2,067.14 millions from seven countries, USA, UK, Brazil, India, South Africa, Canada and Sweden, was conducted and the weekly new case ratio as index for mathematical method or anticipatable formula for application was introduced. In addition, it could be used for evaluating Ro value and setting a methodological formula or index for other contagious disease in the future.  


cnXiv2018031600 PDF』 

Xia Chengcnxiv




06.2018/121.cnxiv  [IMG]   [网页格式] 

Xia Chengcnxiv


摘要:通过考证洛伦兹因子(Lorentz factor)的起源和其形成过程,揭示了洛伦兹因子和洛伦兹变换(Lorentz transformation)与狭义相对论(Special Relativity)变换方程在物理理论上有本质的区别,首次提出以命名“爱因斯坦变换”或“狭义相对论变换”或“时空变换”的方式来区别这种物理理论的不同内涵。


cnXiv: 201804030101PDF 



摘要:本电子文档定义了由Scientific Research Publishing(SRP)出版的各种中文学术会议论文集的标准文章格式。文档中定义了标题、作者、单位、摘要、章节标题、正文、图、表、参考文献等元素,并且本文档中各种元素所采用的格式即符合SRP的标准格式cnxiv

Abstract: This electronic document defines the standard format of the Chinese academic conference proceedings published by the Scientific Research Publishing (SRP). The elements such as the paper title, author, affiliation, abstract, section title, main text, figure, table and references are defined, and this document is formatted according to the SRP standard, which illustrates all the formatscnxiv

关键词: 模板cnxiv格式cnxivSRPcnxiv学术会议cnxiv论文集cnxiv

Keywords: templatecnxiv formatcnxiv SRPcnxiv academic conferencecnxiv proceedingscnxiv


cnXiv2021020620 [DOC]  



On Counter Examples in Physical Analysis


关键词: 狭义相对论;麦克斯韦方程组;普朗克常数;基本引力禀性常数;不确定性原理;物质波; 反例

Abstract: Counter examples are usually used to illustrate that an argument does not hold. Appropriate counter examples can show the limitations and shortcomings of the original theory. In order to overturn and negate an argument, we only need to point out that the conclusion is not tenable in a special case which is consistent with the proposition, that is, we only need to give a counter example. Physical properties have universality, which means that there are no counter examples, while counter examples mean that universality is not tenable. Based on the concept and thought of counter example, four counter examples are put forward, which involve the fields of relativity, Maxwells electromagnetic theory, Plancks constant, quantum mechanics. They are mass decreases with the increase of speed, light speed satisfies wave equation and non wave equation at the same time, Plancks constant is not the smallest physical constant/the basic gravitational intrinsic constant is the smallest physical constant, and the contradiction between uncertainty principle and the concept of matter wave .

Key words: Special Relativity; Maxwells Equations; Plancks Constant; Fundamental Gravitational Intrinsic Constant, Uncertain Principle; Matter Wave; Counter Example


cnXiv2021020910 [DOC] 



Description of Nuclear Reaction Mechanism based on the Principle of Light Speed


关键词: 光子;光速原理;本征辐射;非本征辐射;核反应;激光

Abstract: The analysis process of the dimensional relationship energy mass×speed×speed is presented. Radiation is one of the basic properties of a mass body. The essence of radiation is that the mass body splits to produce tiny mass bodies moving at light speed. A mass moving at light speed is called a photon. According to the different sources of photons, radiation can be divided into intrinsic (photon) radiation and extrinsic (photon) radiation. The intrinsic radiation is the natural and spontaneous radiation of the mass body. As long as the mass body exists, the intrinsic radiation will exist. Blackbody radiation belongs to intrinsic radiation. All radiation except blackbody radiation belongs to extrinsic radiation. Their characteristic is to produce or increase photons by some mechanism. If the mechanism does not work, there will be no corresponding photons produced or increased. Nuclear reaction belongs to extrinsic radiation. The maximum mass energy is discussed and the way to obtain the maximum mass energy is introduced. The radiation of introducing time scale is discussed. The basic principle of nuclear reaction mechanism is explained.

Key words: Photon; Principle of Light Speed; Intrinsic Radiation; Extrinsic Radiation; Nueclear Reaction; Laser



Charles Cheng Xia  (2021-03-21)

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