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[1] anXiv:2024080101 [PDF in Chinese / 嶄猟]

Polignac's conjecture: Derivation of a Mathematical Formula cnXiv   by Jian Hu

Abstract: With using the segmented Eratosthenes' sieve approach, a definite mathematical formula describing Polignac's conjecture, p_(k+1)=p_k+2h, is deduced from a newly uncovered unusual distribution of prime numbers in the p_k~l_k plot (l_k is the segment length and p_k the prime number), where the parameter h is a positive integer unique to prime numbers. Validity of the said formula is proved by mathematical induction.

Keywords: number theory, Polignac's conjecture, sieve of Eratosthenes, formula.

[2] How and why ...Statistics  anXiv: 2020100101  [PDF]   167 pages

How and Why...Statistics          by Charles Cheng Xia, MD

This book is focus on description of data and analysis of data with help you understand and learn exactly what you need to know about statistical ideas and techniques, fundamental formulas and calculations and statistical core topics in scope of applications.

The book includes more than forty examples in explanation and/or illustration, step by step, to let you understand or have ideas to understand on how and why the statistic formula and calculation be applied.